Thursday, September 2, 2010


i'm starting to realize depression's always been bubbling up inside of me...
but now that i'm a mom, it's been fighting to get out.  maybe so i could just DEAL with it already.

i've tried several times to deal with depression.
i've been told those several times that i am not, in fact, depressed.

i wanted this blog to be my outlet.  and then i fell into my own little rabbit hole and couldn't make sense or get my feelings out enough to make them relatable.

my husband's lies only compound my feelings of failure.  in so many regards.
i'm afraid if i start talking i'll never shuttup.
so i've been absent for many months.

i have not yet promoted the blog- so i have no other people's stories to post.

i need to feel better.
about my marriage.
about my life.